Quilt Kits

To the Nines Quilt Kit
9 pointed star circle quilt

Button Pop Quilt Kit
10" squares precut and 4 in 1 for extra pattern variety appliqué

Letterbox - Quilt Kit
Tumbling blocks on a shelf with an appliquéd letter on each block

Bubble POP Quilt Kit
Appliqué circles and arcs with prarire points border

Jelly Jar Quilt Kit
Jelly Jar Quilt Kit

Strength in Unity Quilt Kit
Over Under Weave bold stripes and small check between

French Buttercream Quilt Kit
French Buttercream Quilt Kit

Blue Plate Special Quilt Kit
Blue Plate Special Quilt Kit

C'est Si Bon Quilt Kit
C'est Si Bon Quilt Kit

Oatmeal Honey Quilt Kit
Oatmeal Honey Quilt Kit

Squaring the Circle Quilt Kit
Red and white 9 patch squares into a circle

Flowers on the Floor - Quilt Kit

Making Connections Quilt Kit
2 packs of 10" square pre cuts square in square borders

In Motion Quilt Kit

Propeller Points Quilt Kit

On the Green Quilt Kit
Story Time Panel with green check sashing

Curve Appeal Quilt Kit
Curve Appeal Quilt Kit

Festival of Light Quilt Kit
Festival of Light Quilt Kit

Major Minor Quilt Kit
Major Minor Quilt Kit

Rendezvous Quilt Kit
Rendezvous Quilt Kit