Quilt Kits

Pinwheel Pop Quilt Kit
10" squares for make 3d 3 layer pinwheels with sashinng and black polka dot posts

Seven Time Quilt Kit

Appli' Jacks Quilt Kit
Appli' Jacks Quilt Kit by American Jane

Scotties and Trees Quilt Kit
Scottie dogs in plaid coats

Winning Combination Quilt Kit

Honey Bunny Quilt Kit
Bunnies with Checkerboard border

Mini St Germain Quilt Kit
Mini St Germain Quilt Kit

Sparkle in the Sky Quilt Kit
Sparkle in the Sky Quilt Kit

A' la Provencale Quilt Kit
A' la Provencale Quilt Kit

It's Pinwheels Quilt Kit
5" squares precuts to make pinwheels and circle aapliqué

Strawberries and Cream Quilt Kit
Red and white 9 patches with check border

Blueberries and Cream Quilt Kit
Blue and white 9 patch square blocks

Three Boats Quilt KIt

Intonation Quilt Kit
Circle quilt with 3d ribbon border

Gnomonic Motion Quilt Kit
Spiral Golden Ratio spectrum spread

Eight O'Clock Quilt Kit

Constructive Interference Quilt Kit
Multi color bands with a stabiliing blue alternate spiral stripe

Patriotic Pinwheels

Cross Patch Quilt Kit
2-1/2" strips piecing into needle point looking square blocks quilt

Assorted Flavors