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BOM Quilt Kit Program


When you register for our block-of-the-month quilt program, it is understood that you are registering for the entire program. If you need to cancel for some reason, you forfeit the $25.00 start up fee. If you make a cutting mistake, please call for a replacement fabric.

Your monthly allotment will be shipped by the 5th of each month.

Gems and Jewels

Ruby Red

Facets and sparkles
glimmer and shine
Piecing this collection of blocks
will make you feel divine
Pick your color - ruby red, saphire blue or diamond black and have a great time!

Finished size 76" x 90"

This quilt kit includes American Jane fabric for Moda It's Elementary.

Quilt Kit
Price: $25.00 start up fee
& 25.00 + shipping
for each of 12 months $

Ruby Red

Quilt Kit All at once
Price: $

Kit w/o pattern $
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Gems and Jewels

Sapphire Blue

Facets and sparkles
glimmer and shine
Piecing this collection of blocks
will make you feel divine
Pick your color - ruby red, saphire blue or diamond black and have a great time!

Finished size 76" x 90"

This quilt kit includes American Jane fabric for Moda It's Elementary.

Quilt Kit
Price: $25.00 start up fee
& 25.00 + shipping
for each of 12 months $

Sapphire Blue

Quilt Kit All at once
Price: $

Kit w/o pattern $
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Gems and Jewels

Black Diamond

Facets and sparkles
glimmer and shine
Piecing this collection of blocks
will make you feel divine
Pick your color - ruby red, saphire blue or diamond black and have a great time!

Finished size 76" x 90"

This quilt kit includes American Jane fabric for Moda It's Elementary.

Quilt Kit
Price: $25.00 start up fee
& 25.00 + shipping
for each of 12 months $

Black Diamond

Quilt Kit All at once
Price: $

Kit w/o pattern $
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Eat Play Sleep Repeat


Colors patterns and people all make connections! Let us all work and play well together! And affirm those things worth lasting forever!

Finished size 30" x 43"

This quilt kit includes American Jane fabric for Moda Play All Day.

Price: $25.00 start up fee
& 20.00 + shipping for each of 8 months

All 8 months shipped at once

Price: $

Hop Skip Jump Kids


This a block of the month quilt
of Wanna Be Kids
Kids that dream of
what they would like to be
Will it be on the Beach,
on the Farm?
As a mechanic or a librarian?
How about in a hospital or a toy store? Ice Cream Trucls. School Bus or indoors with works of Art!

Finished size 56" x 69".

This quilt was made using American Jane fabric for Moda. Hop, Skip, and a Jump and other assorted fabrics.

Price: $25.00 start up fee
& 35.00 + shipping for each of 9 months

All 9 months shipped at once

Price: $315.00

Quilt kit w/o pattern $251.00 Add to Cart

Circle Sensation


Circle Sensation under the sun
Summer of ice cream, bubbles and fun
Holding the secrets of both kinds of Pi(e)
Let the circles guide you to
a sensation so high!

Finished size 48" x 71".

This quilt was made using
Bread n Butter by American Jane
for moda and assorted pindots.

Price: $25.00 start up fee
& 40.00 + shipping for each of 9 months

All 9 months shipped at once

Price: $360.00

Quilt kit w/o pattern $296.00 Add to Cart

Make a Splash


American Jane says
Make a splash today!

Finished size 65" x 77".

This quilt was made using
Ducks in a Row by American Jane
for moda and assorted pindots.

Price: $25.00 start up fee
& 35.00 + shipping for each of 8 months

All 8 months shipped at once

Price: $280.00

Quilt kit w/o pattern $216.00 Add to Cart

Back to School - BOM Kit Program


What’s the best part of the first day of school? New clothes and a new box of crayons. Oh that and the smell of them with a clean sheet of paper.

The instructions are for a block of the month. (9)
Finished size 78" x 93".

This quilt kit uses School Days fabric by American Jane for Moda and Pezzy Prints.

Starts at any time

$25.00 start up fee & 35.00 + shipping for 9 months

Price: $25.00

All 9 months shipped at once

Price: $315.00